Source: Petaluma Argus Courier

A new AED “SaveStation” will be formally dedicated on Friday at Petaluma High School’s outdoor sports complex.

A brand new, publicly accessible AED “SaveStation” will be formally dedicated and celebrated on Friday, June 14, at Petaluma High School’s outdoor sports complex. The ceremony, taking place at 4 p.m., will officially mark the installation of the new automated external defibrillator, made possible by a donation from Lefler family and the Just1Mike Foundation. The new SaveStation is to be mounted on the outside wall of the concession stand.

“After reading the story of a young life saved in Sonoma,” states a media release distributed by the Just1Mike Foundation, “on the Sonoma Valley High School basketball courts, Nancy Lefler of Petaluma reached out to the Just1Mike Foundation, which donated the AED that was used to help save a 16-year-old boy’s life.”

The foundation was established after the 2016 death of teenager Michael Brindley, who collapsed after experiencing cardiac arrest during a summertime basketball camp. A budding sports broadcaster, Brindley, before his death, had created a blog site titled “just1mike,” the name of which was used for the foundation his family established to put AED equipment on school campuses.